I woke up this morning to the pitter-patter of a gentle rain. Hmmm, nice to sleep by. This time of year we in the Pacific NW like to call it “liquid sunshine.” After dozing back off around 5:00 a.m. the pitter-patter turned into something of a genuine torrent. About that time, I heard the sound that I dread, the sound the aggravates me to the core: overflowing gutters.
Since I was no longer asleep, I decided to get up and clean them out. Based on the intensity of the rain, I selected a bathing suit and rain coat for my attire, deciding to go barefoot as well.
After I had gotten outside, I found, as tends to happen at times like this, that my step ladder was not to be found where it was supposed to be found, by the shed. As a result, I learned that I am able to scale the fence, brace myself on the trellis, and get onto my roof without a ladder or shoes. Try that one at home, my dear reader!
After about 15 minutes of reaching below my feet to grab sludgy goo out of the gutters, I was back in business with a fully-employed downspout. It was raining hard enough that my faithful old construction coat was showing its age, letting water slowly accumulate in the middle of my back. Not even the dog would come out with me.
So for those of you out there, wherever you live, heed this warning: clean out your gutters, the end is near.
How many discourse devices can you find in my sad, soggy tale? Leave a comment with what you find, and be specific, no “12” answers. I will post the answer key in a few days.
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