I depart early Sunday morning for a mini-conference at Calvin Seminary where I will be giving an overview of Logos 4 and the discourse resources. I really look forward to it, as my doctoral adviser will be presenting as well, I have not seen him in a year or so. It will be great to compare notes and hear what he is up to.
I finished my Greek paper today, even going so far as to print off the handout and copy it. Now I am committed. I will be arguing that the historical present is better understood as non-prototypical or “marked” usage, not prototypical. Changing this presupposition has a huge impact on the overall distribution of the verbal system. I am going to let the paper steep another day or two, make a final pass and then post it to the web. I will let you know when it is up.
Speaking of “Up”, we rented it tonight and it was great! Do not miss it, especially if you have a dog. Our spaniel obsesses over squirrels, so it was particularly funny to us. Hope to see some of you at the conferences. And as for the rest of you…
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