Back when I was building houses, I did some pretty funky stunts. When you work alone, and need to do something, you take the principles you know to be true and the stuff that you have at hand, and you rig something up to get the job done. Some of my “solutions” to such problems are what lead to the nicknamePsycho. Stuff like setting 40′ trusses (even the last ones at the gable end) by myself, setting a 5 1/8″ X 18″ X 22′ glu-lam 17′ off the floor. However, I am not nearly as clever as the guy that Mike Heiser describes in a great post today on PaleoBabbel. It describes how a fellow contractor using simple machines and principles can build his own little version of Stonehenge. This means that aliens are not a required ingredient, and that the Ancients deserve a little more RESPECT than we give them. Who knows, maybe they even understood verbal aspect better than we do?
I would commend the post to you, check out the guy’s video as well. Mike bought it, and it is worth the money if you are a Discovery Channel kinda person. I just kept shaking my head while he did his thing. I can only imagine his wife’s reaction to the whole project.
By the way, I should start posting historical present material in about two weeks. I leave next week for Knox Theological Seminary in Ft. Lauderdale to teach an intensive DMin course based on the discourse grammar I complete today. Finally, I leave “grammar purgatory” for the white sand beaches of Florida. Between the snow and the flooding here in the PNW, it will be a nice break.
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