Every once in a while I get a chuckle over the search strings that end up finding my blog. It has been a while since I posted any of these, and being Friday and all, I thought it would be appropriate. They are ranked in order, though I have only included the fun ones. Here you are:
- discourse grammar of the greek new testa: Yes, I know interest is growing in this. I am happy to report that the final version went into the production process yesterday, though I have no clue when it shall come forth.
- foregrounding in hallidayan theory: I recall saying a thing or two about Halliday here, but I am surprised at how much traffic it has generated for not being a Hallidayan.
- criticism of systemic functional linguis: See above.
- bad grammar examples: I would refer you to the gospel of Mark, isn’t that how the saying goes?
- what doesw a force mean: A “force” is something that can take over your country or ruin your day if you hit one coming in the opposite direction. It has to do either with physics or Dan Wallace.
- nt discourse runge: This is a new pseudonym I have been toying with, N.T “Discourse” Runge, or N.T. Runge for short. I want to ride on the band wagon of the good bishop.
- nt near second: I think this is in reference to my pseudonym above and the good bishop, but maybe not.
- exercise+markedness: Yes, of course. If you have markedness, it is important to exercise it. Otherwise your default will develop a marked slump. Not what you want heading into the summer.
- what is different to be semantic verses: Good question! Semantic verses are ones that mean something coherent, unlike this string. Weird stuff.
- main ideas for taking things for granted: Oh, I’d start with apathy, then move on to disregard for the well-being of those around me…
- forest quotative: Like Forest Gump, but different. How in the world…?
- heretical trinitarian analogies: Something to look for when things are slow on a Friday night.
- what does forced mean in writing: It means that some unfeeling professor has included some outrageous assignment, minimum 20 pages in length, without allowing the use of Wikipedia for a source. The audacity!
- comparing mark matthew luke john john th: Clearly the searcher believes in Markan priority, and views 2 John to be some kind of narrative.
- environment force-mean: Well, things like earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes come to mind. However, I do acknowledge that such forces are impersonal, notwithstanding the predilection writers have to personify them.
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