I have been swamped these last months working on several projects, including the Lexham Discourse Hebrew Bible. At present, we have completed the analysis of Genesis-2 Kings. We also recently provided preview copies of the resource to some leading OT scholars to see what they thought. In light of their feedback, we have decided to make the partially completed resource available for download on Oct. 9. That means that you’d need to pre-order it before then to get the best discount.
For those who pre-order the resource (or the HDOT), you’ll have two options:
- You can follow the instructions we’ll send out on Oct. 9 to download the present version of the LDHB at the discounted price.
- You can wait until the entire analysis is completed (approx. Jan 2014) to be charged for the resource, just like any other Logos Prepub.
Professors have been asking to use this resource in their Hebrew classes beginning in January, so we will be closing out pre-orders on Oct. 9 and making it a live resource for download.
NOTE: You do not need a Logos library or base package to use any of the discourse resources I’ve authored, they may be purchased and used as stand-alone modules. They work better as part of a library, but it is not required.
Be sure to place your order before the price goes up. I am hoping to get back to blogging in the next week or two, BTW.
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